Ramanlal Shorawala Public School

Phone No. : +91 98376 10270, +91 9927662300

School Rules

Every student must obey the following rules of discipline :-

  • All must come to school on time. Late comers will have to get written permission from the principal.
  • Students must come to school in clean, neat and proper dress. 
  • Uniform is compulsory and should be strictly in accordance with the pattern prescribed by the school.
  • All are expected to speak English in the school premises and in the school vehicles.
  • No CD,DVD USB Memory, I-Pod and Books other then text books and note books should be brought to school.
  • Student are not to permitted to entertain teachers with gifts.
    Student shall not bring any eatables other than regular meals.
  • Students who fail twice in the same class, will have to leave the school.
  • Pupils who absent themselves from an examination for any reason will not be re-examined. 
  • Every student is responsible for the safe custody of his / her belonging. The second will not be responsible for the loss of any belonging. Ornaments and Jewelry of any kind are not allowed in the school. Pupils are advised not to bring big amount of money to school.
  • Students are not allowed to bring / use mobile phone in school campus for any reason. A disciplinary action will be taken if found violating. For all other types of rules violations punishment will be decided as and when required.
  • At the warning bell , Students should proceed to where it summons them. At the second bell, they should keep silence. Perfect silence and order should be maintained by the pupils while going out for the assembly and returning to class.
  • The classrooms, the school building and premises should be kept clean and tidy. Any damage caused to properties of the school and other will have to be made good. Damage caused even by the accident should be reported to the school authorities.
  • For entries and the Progress Report Card and remark in the School Diary as well as for any other communication intended for parents, a student must obtain his / her parent’s acknowledgement within three days.
  • It is expected that the pupils will imbibe the message of Ramanlal Shorawala Public School and that each child will try his / her best to become an exemplary student.
  • Early going of pupils will be allowed only in unavoidable circumstances. The parents / guardians should get permissions from the principal for the early going his / her child. Any verbal or written request from persons other than parents / guardians , will not be entertained.

School Rules

Every student must obey the following rules of discipline :-

  • All must come to school on time. Late comers will have to get written permission from the principal.
  • Students must come to school in clean, neat and proper dress. 
  • Uniform is compulsory and should be strictly in accordance with the pattern prescribed by the school.
  • All are expected to speak English in the school premises and in the school vehicles.
  • No CD,DVD USB Memory, I-Pod and Books other then text books and note books should be brought to school.
  • Student are not to permitted to entertain teachers with gifts.
    Student shall not bring any eatables other than regular meals.
  • Students who fail twice in the same class, will have to leave the school.
  • Pupils who absent themselves from an examination for any reason will not be re-examined. 
  • Every student is responsible for the safe custody of his / her belonging. The second will not be responsible for the loss of any belonging. Ornaments and Jewelry of any kind are not allowed in the school. Pupils are advised not to bring big amount of money to school.
  • Students are not allowed to bring / use mobile phone in school campus for any reason. A disciplinary action will be taken if found violating. For all other types of rules violations punishment will be decided as and when required.
  • At the warning bell , Students should proceed to where it summons them. At the second bell, they should keep silence. Perfect silence and order should be maintained by the pupils while going out for the assembly and returning to class.
  • The classrooms, the school building and premises should be kept clean and tidy. Any damage caused to properties of the school and other will have to be made good. Damage caused even by the accident should be reported to the school authorities.
  • For entries and the Progress Report Card and remark in the School Diary as well as for any other communication intended for parents, a student must obtain his / her parent’s acknowledgement within three days.
  • It is expected that the pupils will imbibe the message of Ramanlal Shorawala Public School and that each child will try his / her best to become an exemplary student.
  • Early going of pupils will be allowed only in unavoidable circumstances. The parents / guardians should get permissions from the principal for the early going his / her child. Any verbal or written request from persons other than parents / guardians , will not be entertained.

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