CBSE introduced maths labs in classes I to VIII in 2004. A year later, lab work in mathematics became mandatory for classes IX and X as well. Twenty marks in the final exam were thereafter evaluated on mathematical skills, project work and summative and formative tests.
To follow CBSE and to make mathematics a fun, school have adapted concept of mobile lab for the subject. To learn about various concepts using tools, shapes and real-life situations, school has kits having relative equipment’s which can be carried by the teachers to their classes.
We believe that learning mathematics by doing is perhaps the best way to dispel all fears.

CBSE introduced maths labs in classes I to VIII in 2004. A year later, lab work in mathematics became mandatory for classes IX and X as well. Twenty marks in the final exam were thereafter evaluated on mathematical skills, project work and summative and formative tests.
To follow CBSE and to make mathematics a fun, school have adapted concept of mobile lab for the subject. To learn about various concepts using tools, shapes and real-life situations, school has kits having relative equipment’s which can be carried by the teachers to their classes.
We believe that learning mathematics by doing is perhaps the best way to dispel all fears.